Modern Mythology: Santa Min

Hi everyone *waves*

One thing that always bothers me is being able to bring my Kemetic faith into line with the festivals of my Celtic land. During some research on what to do for yule i found this funny, rude and thought provoking post by Von over at The Twisted Rope.

I still have a bit of thinking to do and hope to have a post soon about what i will be doing for yule. I really want to incorporate the rebirth of Ra if possible.

The Twisted Rope

This post may not be safe for those under 18.Some images are NSFW.

I’d like to tell you a story about Santa Min.

Santa Min

Once upon a time, as the months got colder and colder, Santa Min looked down at the people of the world and felt sorry for them. He decided that he wanted to help them by finding a way to keep them warm! In order to facilitate this, Min decided to use what he knows best- sex!

So one night, he and a bunch of his god pals went trolling around Egypt, leaving all sorts of goodies in people’s houses.

Borrowed from

But these weren’t the normal gifts that you’d expect to receive. Oh no! Santa Min knows what everyone really wants… Sex toys! And that’s why people love Santa Min, he doesn’t discriminate against how you behaved that year! Were you good? Here is…

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